
January 18, 2016

ThirstRelief International: Non-Profit & Humanitarian Photography

This month, I’m so excited to be serving villages in Tanzania by working alongside ThirstRelief International and Ann & Todd of SON (Serving Our Neighbor International). Last year, I worked with ThirstRelief International & Connect Africa in Uganda for two months to document the work they’re doing there to bring people clean water. This year, I’m thrilled to Maggie Hargrave of MaggShots Photography & Jeff Coombes of Splendor Films come and use their heart and talents to help bring awareness to the World Water Crisis and to love others. They’re both so talented in their craft and it will be wonderful to have them with me as we seek to serve others with our photography and videography storytelling. We have been fundraising to take a financial gift to the people of Tanzania for clean water projects so SON and ThirstRelief can employ more people, use local resources and talents and to create clean water projects to more people. We welcome and pray for more financial partners to give and you can do that here. And just know that I donate $100 from every wedding towards a filters and clean water projects from each wedding I book — so thanks to my clients for entrusting me to document their weddings and to allow me to give through my business.

For me this is more than just doing something practical to help people live healthier lives — for me to go and to give and serve, it’s out of a grateful heart for all God has done for me in reconciling me to God through the life and work of Jesus. I am a Christian, and I believe that God has done so much for me in giving me great grace, love, provision and His promises that I want to live as an overflow of that love. I want my life to reflect God’s love for His creation and His work to make things right. I believe in bringing people access to clean water (an absolute necessity for life and to start development in a community) that we can act as God’s hands in feet in the world and we can make dirty, harmful water, clean and new. And in that way, we are being ambassadors of reconciliation — we are loving others as Christ has loved us — we are considering the needs of others and empowering them to be the change in their communities.

So look for updates on the blog while I’m out of the office. These are some photographs from my trip with ThirstRelief last year and will give you an idea of the joy of the people, what conditions are like in rural Africa, what the filters look like and how people currently collect water for their daily use. Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_001Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_002Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_003Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_004Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_005Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_006Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_007Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_008Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_009Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_010Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_011Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_012Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_013Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_014Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_015Thirst_Relief_International_Non-Profit_Photographer_Humanitarian_Photography_Uganda_Allison_Davis_Photography_016